We decided to make a simple spring dinner tonight, and yet pay homage to Memorial day by incorporating foods that were red, white, and blue. We started out the evening with a flavorful Feta, Garlic, and Dill dip with Pita Chips. We were able to use fresh dill from SB's deck herb garden, making the dish even more special.
Our main course was prepared completely on the grill. We had pork tenderloin (marinated all day in zesty Italian dressing), topped with a blueberry and port compote. Grilled potatoes with fresh parsley (also from SB's deck herb garden) were served along side the pork, making a light and refreshing spring meal.
Since SB was off book clubbing last week, we were not able to properly celebrate Devo founder Mark Mothersbaugh's birthday. So this week, we celebrated belatedly by wearing the Energy Dome and dancing to Devo's latest album. What we do, is what we do!